Parquet Flooring

Discover our winning range of Parquet Flooring

Our beautiful parquet floors are a winning choice every time. Whether you are looking for herringbone parquet flooring, solid oak parquet flooring, engineered herringbone flooring or even chevron parquet, we have a choice of superbly machined, expertly finished options to choose from. 

Browse the complete range of parquet floors below, or click here to find out more about our different parquet collections and choose the one that best suits your style.

You can order samples of your favourite options or better still, visit one of our inspiring showrooms. If you have questions or need any advice, get in touch and our expert team will be happy to help.

If you'd like to know a bit more about herringbone flooring or parquet flooring in general before you browse, scroll down to the bottom of the page. 

A bit more information about our parquet flooring 

Our parquet flooring is made of wooden blocks arranged into geometric shapes to create attractive patterns. As the pieces run in different directions they catch the light in different ways to create gently contrasting tones across the floor and show off the grain of the timber to stunning effect whichever way you walk across the floor. Although they are inherently elegant and luxurious, our parquet floors are also incredibly hard-wearing and very well suited to high traffic areas such as hallways, kitchens and commercial interiors.
Amongst our parquet collections you will find solid oak parquet flooring and and engineered oak parquet flooring, but they are both equally stable and be fitted in the same way (read the next section if you'd like to understand why), so don't let the format affect your choice. 

Solid v engineered parquet flooring

Engineered plank floors can be more stable and offer more fitting options than solid oak boards in some circumstances. There isn't the same difference with parquet flooring because of its much smaller size and as long as the timber is dried properly both will be equally stable and can be fitted in the same way.

Our solid parquet flooring can be successfully fitted anywere that you can successfully fit our engineered parquet floors - that is in any room with normal living conditions. Both options will need to be glue fixed to a dry, level structural subfloor and are suitable for use over underfloor heating as long as they are fitted in line with our installation guide. 

Parquet flooring patterns

Herringbone parquet is a classic and is undoutedly the most popular parquet flooring design, but the term parquet covers a wide variety of different patterns, including basketweave, versailles and chevrons. Herringbone parquet flooring is popular for a reason though - it works almost everywhere, with any style, and in any size of room, which is why it feels so timeless and has such lasting appeal. A herringbone parquet floor has the quite unique advantage of making narrower spaces appear wider and more generous but also making large rooms look and feel more intimate. There is also no 'right direction to lay it, so is perfect for large open plan spaces entered from different directions.
The most common herringbone parquet flooring design is a classic single herringbone, but you can also lay double and triple herringbone to create more of a feature in the pattern and a more geometric herringbone floor.
As well as creating beautiful herringbone flooring, our parquet blocks can all be used to lay a brickwork design and most are suitable for Basketweave. We also make chevrons in most of our parquet finishes. Chevron parquet is fast becoming a designer favourite, especially for larger luxury interiors where plenty of flooring is visible; it is inherently elegant but also inviting as it naturally draws you into and through the room.

Installing our parquet flooring

Both our solid and engineered oak parquet flooring are precision machined to the highest standards to make them as easy as possible to install. As noted above, both solid and engineered options will need to be glue fixed to a dry, level sub-floor. It is worth bearing in mind that this is a more time consuming process than installing plank flooring as there are many more pieces to deal with and cuts to make, so it will cost a little more to fit.
Most Broadleaf parquet flooring is fully finished, ready to walk on the day they are laid, but Vintage Parquet will need to be top coated after fitting unless it is ordered with an additional coat of finish. Our Traditional parquet flooring will need to be sanded, filled and sealed after fitting. We would normally recommend that our parquet flooring installed by an experienced professional, especially if it is going to be sanded, but if you would like to try and fit your own, then give us a call and we will be happy to talk you through what would be involved and send your our guide to installing herringbone parquet floors. 
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